- The day the child realizes that all adults are imperfect, he becomes an adolescent; the day he forgives them, he becomes an adult; the day he forgives himself, he becomes wise. -Alden Nowlan, poet, novelist, and playwright (1933-1983)
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Tag Archives: appreciation
Relationship Goals
Same day, different observation. The two pictured above walked from the sand toward the shore. He in his little bathing suit. She in her bikini. I would say they were in their 70’s. They stopped several yards from the waves … Continue reading
Posted in appreciation, Atlantic Ocean, Love., Uncategorized
Tagged appreciation, Love.
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Rampage of Appreciation
There is a little park in the neighborhood where our son goes to school. The school is about 30 minutes away from home. I drive all over the place teaching, and often there is a window, sometimes 20 minutes, sometimes … Continue reading
Posted in appreciation, Uncategorized
Tagged appreciation, spirituality
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15,779 Days
Standing in the kitchen with a calculator, my daughter informs me I am 15,779 days old. I’ll take her word for it. My heart has dutifully pumped for 15,779 days. My lungs have breathed. Blood courses through my veins. I’ve … Continue reading
The Makepeace Brothers and other good things
The Makepeace Brothers performed at the Agape Revelations Conference. Listen to their song Thank You here. They are dreamy young men with a sound similar to Paul Simon. Talk about a rampage of appreciation! It was so good to go to … Continue reading
Posted in Abraham-Hicks, appreciation, Revelations Conference
Tagged Abraham-Hicks, appreciation, Revelations
All is well….
Green mat, third in on the left, closest row. I’m in LA. Typing this from my balcony on the 17th floor. The picture was taken yesterday at 7AM from my friend Kathy’s room. We are at the Agape International Spiritual … Continue reading
Posted in Abraham-Hicks, appreciation, spirituality
Tagged Abraham-Hicks, appreciation, spirituality
Virtual Choir
Okay, I know this is really gorgeous, but it’s also somehow unsettling to me. Yes, the music is hauntingly beautiful. But I have to admit, the balls floating around with all those faces in the videos do wig me out … Continue reading
The Tutors Have Arrived
So I think I mentioned here before how Riley was granted the Ohio Autism Scholarship. What that means is we now have two different tutors coming to the house a total of 8 hours per week, and they are teaching … Continue reading
This Cat
We got her at a shelter when we lived in Virginia. She was the lone calico kitten, and Riley wanted a calico. All the other cats were crammed together in little rooms, but she had her own cage up front, … Continue reading
Beautiful Friend
Yesterday I received a package of photos of my friend Clarissa, who died of cancer in November. The box sat there all day. I was not going to open it with kids clamoring all over it/me. After I put them … Continue reading
Would the teenage part of yourself be happy with who you are now?
Last night I had the good fortune of seeing Troubadours of Divine Bliss at Unity Center of the Heights. They are hard to explain. Kind of like The Indigo Girls but their songs mostly speak of Divine love, and with … Continue reading
Posted in appreciation, Cleveland, law of attraction, music, Unity church
Tagged appreciation, Cleveland, law of attraction
U23D in Cleveland
So we’ve been living here in Cleveland for over three years and had yet to make it to The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. Yesterday was the day, and I’m so glad we waited. Our impetus for going was … Continue reading
This is Jan C. Snow, aka Jancy. She’s a writer, an artist, a musician, a mother, a grandmother and a friend. She is one of the MVP’s in Windsong, Cleveland’s Feminist chorus. Jan knows all the fun, (and often free) … Continue reading
It had been a long week. Too many appointments. Not enough down time. HT had to work the weekend, and yesterday I woke, not quite wanting to climb back into my life. “When is your next day off?” I mumbled … Continue reading
Posted in appreciation, family, marriage, Parenting
Tagged appreciation, family, marriage, Parenting
Talk Nerdy to Me
‘Cause I love having my mind blown… And this is one reason why homeschooling does not scare me that much. We have no idea what world they will be living in or what we’re even preparing them for. We may … Continue reading
The only thing better than being a boy obsessed with Lego, and having a new Lego to put together… is when your sister, whom you adore, suddenly, inexplicably, begins sharing your interest with you. Here they are, beginning to work … Continue reading
Who Do I Think I Am?
Last week the living room went from garish yellow to cappuccino. I like. Today The Maids came. My sister bought me a gift certificate almost a year ago and I never used it ’til now. And only now because they … Continue reading
Homeschool Co-Op
This is Riley, (below right), enjoying a quiet lunch with two other girls at the homeschool co-op. The three of them decided to excuse themselves from the busy gym and eat in one of the classrooms. “Mom, can I go … Continue reading
Sometimes I feel like such a boob
What is it about this moment that is so delicious? I’m in my office. Todd has taken the kids with him to get groceries. It is quiet. It is the first moment of solitude I’ve been able to carve out … Continue reading
Appreciation Saturday
While the guy is painting our living room downstairs, Riley, Seth, Jingle, Yippee, the cats, and I are piled into the bedroom. The kids are watching TV while I type away. Seriously, why don’t we do this every day? So … Continue reading
Posted in appreciation, Asperger's, Asperger's girl, dogs and kids, homeschooling
Tagged appreciation, Asperger's, asperger's girls, dogs and kids, homeschooling
I needed to get out this morning…
xo xo (my car door handle) xo (note the cable cord down in our back yard) xo Love.