Last night I had the good fortune of seeing Troubadours of Divine Bliss at Unity Center of the Heights. They are hard to explain. Kind of like The Indigo Girls but their songs mostly speak of Divine love, and with an accordion.
They were awesome! I have to say, I’ve been manifesting so many wonderful things as of late. I’d never heard of this band before, and suddenly there I was, blissing out listening to their inspiring music! Honoring the concept of Law of Attraction, whenever I am enjoying something lately, I’ve taken to appreciating myself for manifesting it. Go me! I figure I blame myself enough when things go wrong, it’s only fair to take credit when they go right!
During the set, they mentioned a question asked of them in a recent interview:
Would the teenage part of yourself be happy with who you are now?
Food for thought, no?
Not trying to sound conceited, but I believe my teen self would think I’m awesome. I have busted through so many barriers. Physically, mentally, educationally, financially, emotionally, spiritually. My teenage self didn’t think she was worth a damn. She had no idea Who She Was.
I’ve become the parent my teen self wished she’d had. I say that not with blame, or to inflict shame. My parents were 17 and 18 when they married. My father suffered horrible abuse as a child. My mother carried her own pain. They were unhealed kids, hoping the other would fix it, and neither had any tools.
Back to me….LOL. I’m so much more free now than when I was a teen, and I keep on growing in that area. Riley did that. Oh how I fought against it at first, but my daughter taught me how “different” can bring great freedom with it. She can’t be like everybody else. It’s not what she came here to do. Parenting her like “everyone else” was never going to work. Letting go has brought such richness to our experience.
My teenage self was dealing with so much. She acted tough, but she was always so afraid. I think she’d be happy to know I led her safely to 42. I think she’d love the kids. She always loved kids. I think she’d tell me to dress cooler and wear more jewelry. She’d appreciate HT’s integrity, and love who he is as a father. She’d insist I dance more.
I think she’d say, “You’re doing good.”
She knows proper grammar, but has never been a stickler for it. Kind of an “in your face” to a system that underestimated her.
She’d be glad I write.
She had a lot to say.
I think my teenage self would be amazed I made it this far, if she recognised me at all. So much has changed, so much has been overcome, let go and gained. This thought will stay with me while I clean – all my best thoughts are with my head down the toilet…
PS – love the jingle pic at the top 🙂
They were awesome! My teenage self would be amazed that I did not marry & have children. But she would also be amazed that I lived & worked in France & Iran, and traveled throughout the world, scuba diving in the Red Sea & Fiji & so many other places. I think she’d believe it was a good trade that she simply hadn’t thought of yet. And I adore Jingle’s photo!
P.S. You need to send Seth’s dance video in to America’s funniest home videos! They deserve to see something great!
My teenage self is Amazed! She roots me on! I am the Mom I deserved to have because of her!! Whoot!
My teenage self is a tad shocked….and pretty impressed….
I love that you are taking credit for what goes right!
You rock! Thanks for sharing!
i think my teenage self would be SOOO surprised. surprised that i don’t have the education or career that i was “supposed” to have. i think that my teenaged self was probably a bit too judgemental, so she might think that i’ve failed. but i’m now wiser and know that i haven’t. does that make sense?