we got sunshine!! and I was actually too warm today in a gillet and jumper 😀
and it was still light at 6pm last night!!! YAY!!! 😀
(just sharin’ the love….)
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The day the child realizes that all adults are imperfect, he becomes an adolescent; the day he forgives them, he becomes an adult; the day he forgives himself, he becomes wise. -Alden Nowlan, poet, novelist, and playwright (1933-1983)
Yep. Love.
He’s a rock star and nothing short of a rock star.
and I’m bugged about a few flakes. whew.
we got sunshine!! and I was actually too warm today in a gillet and jumper 😀
and it was still light at 6pm last night!!! YAY!!! 😀
(just sharin’ the love….)