‘Cause I love having my mind blown…
And this is one reason why homeschooling does not scare me that much. We have no idea what world they will be living in or what we’re even preparing them for. We may like to think we do, but we don’t. It’s changing so fast. All I know is Riley, Seth (and I) are constantly, enthusiastically learning. We don’t know of boredom.
- Mother
- Spiritual growth enthusiast
- Married to a great guy
- Law of Attraction buff
- Writer
- Thinker
- Traveler
- Nature lover
- Friend
- Likes to help
- Sets healthy boundaries
- Autism resource
- Choral singer
- Yoga student
What words will appear on your shirt in the future?
*P.S. If you watch the video, wait ’til after the applause for a couple of questions and imagine how this technology might help those with autism and others with communication difficulties.
That technology is incredible. I can’t belive what he could do. That technology would be amazing for kids on the spectrum.
Yikes! I’m completely blown away.
I love your shirt, BTW. I think you should make one.
Wow, how do you get your mind around that?!!!
They should sell t-shirts that say “talk nerdy to me” at TEDTalks. That would be perfect!