

I surrender.

I’ve been pondering the difference between giving up and surrender. To me, giving up feels like abandoning a dream. Walking away from something unfinished. Not being brave, perhaps. Not giving it your all.

Surrender, to me, feels like handing it over to a power greater than myself. Acknowledging  I don’t know what  will happen if I let go, of an idea, of a dream, of a way of being, but trusting it will be okay.

With love, I surrender anything that does not serve my highest good.

I make room for light.

I let it be.

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9 Responses to Surrender

  1. Wild. I’ve been thinking about nearly the exact same thing.

  2. Jamie says:

    This has been a thought running through my head a lot of late. A prayer repeated over and over……… so nice to see that I’m not the only one!!

  3. rhemashope says:

    This reminds me of a version of the hymn “I Surrender All” that Cece Winans sings. Midway through the song you can hear what sounds like groaning, weeping – you can hear how hard it is to let go and surrender – and then their voices rise and you can hear the freedom.

  4. Tanya Savko says:

    Yes. To me, surrender is total trust. Thank you, my friend, I needed this reminder today!

  5. Alicia D says:

    LOVE this to pieces!

  6. Dee Ready says:

    Dear Michelle, thank you for this reflection. Last Wednesday, I “gave up” my heart wish to move back to Minnesota. A wish I’ve had since moving here nearly 3 1/2 years ago. After living in Stillwater for 38 years, it became home and I didn’t realize that until after I moved away.

    The housing market continues to keep me from moving and so finally I have turned aside from the closed door that represents Minnesota and turned to look out the open window that represents Missouri. Now I need to begin to find the people and places and feelings for which I am grateful here.

    And I have felt–although I didn’t have the word until you gave it to me–that I was surrendering. I was saying to the Universe, “My philosophy has always been that all works out for good in my life. Now is the testing time and so I believe even though I don’t see that good is coming out of my being here. I embrace that good, whatever it is.”

    So thank you for the word and for the understanding you give to both yourself and to me. Peace.

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