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6 Responses to Love.

  1. amber says:


  2. Mandi says:

    This quote was turned into a choral song by Joan Szymko, Portland OR. It’s powerful! The quote and the song…

    Not the best recording, but you can listen here:

  3. Tanya Savko says:

    Chiming in with another AMEN.

  4. Meg says:

    This very quote happens to be written on the “Thought for the Day” board in my kitchen. One of my favorite quotes from one of my heroes.

    Love, indeed.

  5. Dee Ready says:

    Dear Michelle, we all so need to have these words of Martin Luther King, Jr., on our refrigerators or on our foreheads! If we lived those words, our world and our culture would be so different.

    Michelle, I’ve been away from reading and commenting on blogs for the past six weeks. If you have any postings that you’d especially like me to read, please e-mail me the URLs or insert them in a comment box on my blog. Thank you. Peace.

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