I’m feeling kinda in love with life today. It was the first day of the new homeschool co-op session. I am teaching a Lego class:
It went well. We worked on two dimensional projects today. We’re going to slip in some architecture concepts, careers in Lego, and lots of challenges, but mostly it is just fun. Lego literally means “play well,” and I plan on sticking with that theme. I am getting a lot of ideas from Lego Quest Kids. I appreciate the website so much! If you have Lego lovers in your house I highly recommend it for ideas.
In the afternoon block, Riley is taking a puzzles and games class. They did some brain teasers, then moved onto a charades type of game, and in the middle of it, she dismissed me. She did the “come here” motion with her index finger and whispered in my ear,
“Mom. I don’t think I need you in here.”
It was awesome!
I let her go to a scrap booking class last session by herself (me out in the hall within earshot) because it was small. Just one other kid, and two instructors. This class had about eight kids. She did great, even getting up and doing the charades, and dealing with it when people weren’t guessing what she was acting out. I held my breath for a second…she was clearly feeling worried and on the spot, but she got through it on her own. It was after that, when she gloriously gave me the boot.
Also this week….Riley’s Spanish tutor is 70. She has taught homeless men, juvenile delinquents, those with dementia, and those with autism. She uses art and music. She told me she prayed for just the right client and here Riley is. This sweet woman stood in front of me and told me my child is the answer to her prayer. Any parent would love that, but this mom, who remembers her darling girl getting kicked out of preschool…it balms those wounds. We all want our kids to be included and loved.
We had homeschool book group this week. Such a great group of 8-10 year olds. We read Frindle, by Andrew Clements, about a boy who has the idea of inventing his own word. The kids were so enthusiastic and I have to say they stay on subject better than the adults in most of the books groups I have been in! Various moms take turns hosting at their houses (we don’t have it at our house because of cat allergies) and I lead the discussion. The best of both worlds for me. I get to lead the book group, which I love, but don’t have to clean for the occasion!
Speaking of “the best of both worlds,” this is the phrase I have coined for going to bed, backing up to Todd in a spoon position, stealing his body heat. He falls asleep while I read. We get to snuggle. I get to read. It’s “the best of both worlds.” One of life’s greatest blessings.
Okay, I’m gonna wrap it up before I make you gag if it’s not already too late.
May you have a beautiful and blessed weekend.
Lovingly yours,
Loving this!!!! Thank you so much…..
No gagging – just grinning! I love it and as I read this, for the first time in weeks, the sun has come out and I’m basking in your words and gratitude as well as the sunshine. Thank you for sharing!
Gag? I love it. I love every last word of it. I’m licking the screen I love it so much. Gimme more!
Although I have to say Lucy got kicked out of 3 pre-schools and clung on to the 4th by her (and my!) fingernails… this hs been uppermost in my mind as we prepare for battle with school after the holidays. Heads are going to roll.
I see the glow of your beaming over the northwest horizon. What a difference a year makes!
So good, so hopeful!
Hi there fellow blogger! I’m a newbie to the blogosphere but I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your blog here about homeschool art appreciation, it kept me reading all the way to the end… And then I went and searched for some more posts after that. 🙂 Keep up the good work, I’m always looking to learn more about Home Schooling, especially.