
Sometimes while waiting in traffic, or on an airplane, or at a cash register, I find myself getting all wound up. Patience isn’t my first reaction.

But I have a little trick that helps if I remember to use it. 

I look around at the other people, in their airplane seats, in their cars, behind their counters, standing on line, and I take a moment to really see them. I mean, I’m not obvious. I don’t want to make anyone think I’m a freak uncomfortable, but I look at them one by one and say silently…

“I love you, and I honor your story.”

“I love you, and I honor your story.”

Everything shifts.

The line moves.  

Most of all I feel better. Sometimes I’m even like, Wait! Hold up! I’m not done honoring everyone!

If only I could figure out a way to apply this trick to slow computers. 

I love you and I honor your hard drive?

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8 Responses to Waiting

  1. Jenny R says:

    Oh, gosh, I just always make sure to have a book handy 😉

  2. Jerri says:

    I value your service and thank you for your help…even if I want to crawl into the screen and squeeze your little guts til they… uhmmm. I mean. Thank you.

  3. Courtney says:

    You are the best. I stink at patience, except in traffic I’m actually really good. My rule is: no complaining unless you are in the car that was part of the accident.

  4. jess wilson says:

    i’ve gotten as far as ‘you’re annoying the crap out of me but i’ll bet you have an interesting story.’

    hey, it’s an evolution.

  5. GoMama says:

    Slow computers? I have no patience for slow computers!

  6. Wanda says:


    I’m sorry.
    I forgive you.
    I love you.

  7. Carrie Link says:

    I love you and I honor the extra time you give me to breathe while I wait for you to *&^%@#$ GO?

  8. Cathy R. says:

    I think I love you!!!

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