What’s Been Cookin’

So the big news is…. we are moving. We are doing this so Riley can attend a very specific kind of school. It’s not the first time we have moved for a school, and it is less scary this time around. We know if it doesn’t work out, there are always other options.

The last several weeks have been a whirlwind, researching the school, taking a trip south with Riley to have her assessed. Checking out schools for Seth. Getting Todd’s resume out. Studying for my nursing boards (tuition for two private schoolsย in our near future). Preparing to sell our house. Breaking the news to beloved friends, and to the current schools. And the everyday business of life on top of that.

We are hoping all the vitamin D from the sunshine will help boost Seth’s immune system.

We will miss so many people in Cleveland. Truly.

We will not miss the snow. Having grown up in NY, and having spent most of our adult years in snow states, we are more than happy to go somewhere warm. Yippee will be thrilled.

So many details still unsettled, but we’re going. We put a non-refundable deposit down for Riley’s school. In our estimation, this school could mean the difference for an independent life for Riley, or not. We have always, and continue to believe in our girl.ย We love the places she’s taken us and look forward to this newest adventure.

We leave at the end of the school year, and will get settled over the summer. I don’t think I’ll be blogging once we get there. When we move it seems like the logical time to stop. For one, I’ll surely be very busy. For two, it just keeps getting more clear that I can’t write about the kids so much anymore, now that they are getting older. When I started blogging they were teeny. Blogging was pretty new. My writing teacher said, “write what you know,” and truly my family was my life. They were what I was up to. They were what I knew. And they still are. But it is different now.

Maybe I’ll eventually start a new blog. An anonymous one? Or one just about Hot Toddy? I’m sure he wouldn’t mind at all. Or a blog about returning to nursing after a ten year hiatus? Or maybe I’ll actually finish that inspirational book I’ve been working on. I don’t know. I’m not done here yet at Full-Soul-Ahead, but the writing, as they say, is on the wall.

I stopped this blog once before, and then regretted it. I wasn’t ready. In some ways I was running away from a few things back then. My book, for one. And a couple of other things I won’t mention now. This time it feels like I’m going toward.

I don’t see myself writing a grand finale like I did last time(I’ve felt totally sheepish about that since I started again in 2011). It will be a much quieter exit.

It feels like the right thing to do.

But not just yet.

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16 Responses to What’s Been Cookin’

  1. *m* says:

    Wow…Big doings! Very exciting. Change is good!

  2. Carrie Link says:

    I already miss you. That being said, I love and support you and love and support everything about you.

    Plus. I know where to find you.




  3. I’ll ditto Carrie Link and hold my breath should you stop writing this here blog. I can imagine what lies around your corner will only be good.

  4. Meg says:

    I am so happy for you in the “moving toward.” Can’t say I won’t miss you terribly. I know you will find a way to keep us up to date on the little miracles of life without stepping on the toes of your babes.

    P.S. I, for one, would totally follow a blog devoted to HT!

  5. Jenny says:

    I wish you and your family much, much, much sunshine.

  6. Kerry says:

    Wow! Congratulations. That is so exciting!

  7. Laurel says:

    Oh I am SOOOO excited for you and your family! Good for you for doing what you want and need to do. And following your path to a sunny destination doesn’t hurt. We’ve done it-moved for schools, invested time, money and more into helping our children be the best they can be with no apologies.
    AGain I am so excited for you.
    The selfish side of me says a big NO to not blogging. How will I know what you are up to and more…..but it’s not about me right? It can’t be. BUT maybe a new blog about the move and the temperature and nursing and more and more. Don’t close the door yet:)
    I go to Florida every year…….:) Would be great to finally meet in person at the beach.

    Oh, have I mentioned how ‘jeal’ I am:)


  8. kario says:

    You are absolutely, positively one of the most courageous human beings I know. And I am honored to know you.

    I hope that everything will work out smoothly and comfortably and I have faith that what is meant to happen will. Please, let’s keep in touch via email because I have come to really love your insight and wisdom as it pertains to life. Good luck with all the planning and selling and moving details. Take care!

  9. amber says:

    Man. I can hardly wait until the lifetime I get to come back and be your kid.
    What a mom. What a dad.
    What a life.

    ๐Ÿ™‚ (bish)

  10. mom says:

    Fly away sweet daughter with your amazing beautiful family. Shine on, enjoy your journey. Love and Blessings

  11. Julie A says:

    oh my…it’s me..the reader who lost you and then found you again two years later ๐Ÿ™‚ When I saw you were moving I thought “oh, maybe she’ll be closer to me now!” (currently you’re in Ohio and I’m in Michigan). Which is funny really…do I think if we lived in the same state we just might bump into each other? ๐Ÿ™‚ but I would love to live down the street from you actually–we would have so much to talk about! Which brings me to the point that I think you have a lot of good things to say that are not about your kids–about life and spirituality. So if the urge to write is there know that people will read your work!
    Maybe you could pacify us with a promise of one blog entry per year to update things ๐Ÿ™‚
    Thanks for sharing what you have shared so far, it is helpful to many people. Take care and we’ll keep checking in as you fade out. So very , very happy for your whole family as they start on this new adventure!

  12. Thanks for all the love, folks. xoxo

  13. -e- says:

    having a bit of a Roxanne moment here… “I have loved one blogger, and lost her twice” Really, It has been such an honor to read your blog for the past, what, 8 or 9 years or so? I don’t even remember how I found it, but your writing was so wise and insightful that I bookmarked you immediately, and have been a faithful reader ever since. I could not bear to delete the bookmark last time you took a break, and felt a flood of warmth when I saw you had resumed writing… Is this creepy? Perhaps it is exactly the kind of one sided communication you are looking to avoid? At any rate, thank you for sharing. Your bravery to follow your maternal instincts, your steadfast genuine support of your children (even when things were not going the way you hoped they would), and your willingness to share so many less than stellar moments with humor, or not… these principles have informed my own philosophical approach to my kids for YEARS now… thank you for teaching.

    I second Julie’s hope that you post an annual update, if not through a blog, perhaps in an email (I assume you can access the ones we enter here, if not I would be only too happy to provide it). The one sided intimacy of a blog is a funny thing. I feel I know you so well. Of course, I don’t really, and you have no idea who I am. I wish that were not the case. Perhaps we will meet in person some day. Till then, thank you. (and I will leave the bookmark in place, just in case ๐Ÿ™‚
    Eve Celsi, aka -e-

  14. Tanya Savko says:

    I am so thrilled about whatever life has in store for you and your family. And looking forward to hearing about it by whatever means you choose. Love.

    P.S. I love what your mom said.

  15. Kim says:

    Oh, how exciting! Sounds like you are moving for all the right reasons. We moved towards snow, but way better services for our little guy. I selfishly wish for you to continue writing. I know I will miss reading you! Good luck!

  16. katie says:

    Hi – I was given your blog information from my friend, Kyra, and would love to ask you a few questions via email, if you have time. I have a daughter with Asperger’s and live in Ohio, as well. Thanks so much :).

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