In a recent dedication ceremony at Agape International Spiritual Center in LA, the little girl being welcomed into the community is a RIOT. Her name is Lucia.
Click here, and just below the pause button you can drag the video to around 44 minutes to see her (though the whole service is worth watching).
What a miracle she is. How could she be born in Ethiopia, make it all the way to LA and steal the show at her tender age? How inspired are Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith’s words! I watched this after posting about Riley advocating for herself in the dentist’s chair. How inspired I was by her, as were many of you who commented. When Rev. Michael said during the ceremony, “It takes a child to raise a village.” Yes indeed, I thought. It’s the kids who are raising us. Raising us to new levels of consciousness.
Lucia… baby girl who was dedicated last week at Agape, I don’t know you, but I love you.
What a powerful, powerful child. Your being has already greatly multiplied the love on the planet. And you can’t even be more than two.
Dear Michelle,
I watched the section of the video on Lucia. Thank you. I laughed and giggled even as I watched her lively interest in all that was happening. The pastor’s words were inspiring and he made so clear how a child raises a village. That respect for children and their giftedness made me admire him greatly.
Love that way of thinking, as you know!