I started your book last night before turning off the nightstand light. Read four chapters and decided that I wanted to make the book last longer, so I’m going to read only two chapters a night.
Your writing captures the thoughts and imagination of a child and your dialogue seems spot on to me.
I know that life is going to turn hard for you in this book, but I’m glad that it’s been published so that many, many people can think about what your title and subtitle make clear. Thank you.
The day the child realizes that all adults are imperfect, he becomes an adolescent; the day he forgives them, he becomes an adult; the day he forgives himself, he becomes wise. -Alden Nowlan, poet, novelist, and playwright (1933-1983)
I started your book last night before turning off the nightstand light. Read four chapters and decided that I wanted to make the book last longer, so I’m going to read only two chapters a night.
Your writing captures the thoughts and imagination of a child and your dialogue seems spot on to me.
I know that life is going to turn hard for you in this book, but I’m glad that it’s been published so that many, many people can think about what your title and subtitle make clear. Thank you.
Finally ordered mine from Amazon yesterday; it’s supposed to arrive on Thursday or Friday. Can’t wait!