HT’s Perfect Response

Writer Elizabeth Aquino is asking special needs parents to answer this question:

What would I say to the parent I was the day before my child was diagnosed with his or her disorder or the day before I knew?

She’s putting together a video of parents holding signs with their individual bits-o-wisdom.

Thinking about the question, I wondered, how could I narrow it down to a sentence that would fit on a little piece of paper? What would I say?

I thought. And I thought.

Finally, I tossed the question out to HT as he was grabbing his jacket and slipping on shoes, ready to take the dog out one last time before bed. He put his index finger in the air and said, “I’ll get right back to you.”

I sat at the computer thinking hard. What would I say? What would I say?

I was deep in thought when HT came back in the kitchen.

“It’s going to be okay,” he said sincerely. “That’s what I’d say to the parent I was before we knew what was going on.”

“It’s going to be okay.”

Can’t top that one.

What would I say to the parent I was the day before my child was diagnosed with his or her disorder or the day before I knew?

You’ll have to wait to see the video for mine. I’m still thinking.

If you’d like to be part of this project, please send your photos with your bits-o-wisdom to Elizabeth: elsophie AT gmail DOT com.

And remember, it’s going to be okay.

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11 Responses to HT’s Perfect Response

  1. Wanda says:

    Wonderful words of wisdom. Great photo of HT!

  2. Jeanne says:

    Chills and misty eyed – that’s me right now. Good one. It’s going to be okay.

  3. redheadmomma says:

    HT is rad. that’s all I have to say.

  4. Chris Vartorella says:

    Beautiful words…. and perfect… Todd looks great…I look forward to what you are going to say…

  5. Elizabeth says:

    Thank you so much, Michelle! I can’t wait to put this together and so look forward to what your readers might contribute!

  6. drama mama says:

    Perfect, perfect, perfect.

  7. shannon coates says:

    love you
    love HT

  8. Amanda says:

    HT – you nabbed my mantra! 🙂

  9. Great minds and all that! I sent her a pic of me a few months ago holding a sign that said the exact same thing! I have a feeling that’s going to be a running theme in the special-needs parents’ signs. Love to HT, love to you. xo

  10. kario says:

    Yay! I think that’s the right thing to say to our past selves anytime. And maybe whenever we are freaking out or overly worried about anything in life.

    It’s going to be okay.

  11. mom says:


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