Off to Camp

camp day 1


















Three hours a day, for the next four weeks.

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow.

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17 Responses to Off to Camp

  1. Kim says:

    My lord, those two are delicious!

    (as will be those blessed hours)

  2. Courtney says:

    Hooray for you!

  3. I hope they have fun! mama and daddy are excited for camp over here it’s only for 6 days but 24 hours each

  4. Amanda says:

    Feeling guilty….we get 9.30 – 5.30 2 days a week for 6 weeks….but Oh the fun to be had!! Them and us 🙂

    btw, that Riley is one hip chick! Love the outfit, esp the hat

  5. Amanda says:

    Does Jingle get to go to camp too?

  6. Jerri says:

    All blessings to the kids and you.


  7. Michelle says:

    Chloe, have so much fun!!!

    Amanda, we decided not to include Jingle. It would take two weeks to get the aide up to speed handling her (and Jingle pushes it when she thinks she can get away with things…she’s too smart…takes her a while to respect someone new). Didn’t want to add more stress to the situation.

  8. One Mom says:

    Hope you all have a blast!

  9. pixiemama says:

    OOOH! A break! Enjoy!

  10. Meg says:

    Mmmmmm….sweet silence, coffee and a good book! Or perhaps a nice walk. Or a little yoga, follwed by an undisturbed shower. The possibilities are endless….enjoy!

  11. Jenny R says:

    You crack me up.

  12. Sally says:

    Ah Camp! Hallelujah. Have a fun break.

  13. Deb says:

    Happiness all around!

  14. naomi says:

    Love that picture! Enjoy!!!

  15. amber says:

    Did you teach them that funcky dance? They look dope, yo! 😉

    Have fun, mom. I have to wait till the end of July for that.


  16. graceonline says:

    Stylin’! Your children are absolutely gorgeous.

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