As you can discern from the title, religion is woven throughout Kathleen Deyer Bolduc’s Autism & Alleluias. Despite attending Unity churches for several years, I consider myself one of those now cliched “spiritual but not religious” people so I wasn’t sure what I would think about it. Since everyone does not have to think exactly like me, and since I like to support other parents of kids with special needs I agreed to be part of her on-line book tour.
It didn’t take long to find a connection. In church on Christmas Eve, her son is getting agitated. Kathleen discovers if she changes her attitude, her son’s energy shifts as well.
Score! Exactly what I know to be true.
In the next chapter she owns up to being royally pissed off (my words not hers).
I can relate.
She meditates.
Me too.
She has moments of utter despondency in which her child extends heartbreakingly beautiful kindness.
Been there.
She considers the possibilty that even though her church is conservative, her son’s loud, full body way of participating in the service might not be wrong.
Love this.
I’m glad I read the book. As I went through Autism & Alleluias, I was able to see how despite differences in spiritual beliefs, autism parents are more alike than unalike.
We all love our kids.
We all struggle.
We all shine brilliantly sometimes.
One Source.
Many paths.
All perfect.
One love.
For info on Deyer Bolduc’s April 8th Webinar, which will focus on helping churches be more welcoming of people with differences, click here.
I felt the same way!
That picture made me smile – such a proud mum and such a “get me out of here!” son!! 😀