Wrong Answer

As I bite into my burrito, I say, “Food is so good! I don’t care if I’m ten pounds heavier than I used to be! It’s so worth it.”

HT says, “What I wouldn’t give to only be ten pounds overweight.”


School him.

Please.Hot Toddy

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15 Responses to Wrong Answer

  1. Jamie says:

    Silly guy… NEVER confirm a girl is 10 pounds over weight!

  2. *m* says:

    Uh oh…that defective Y chromosome rears its ugly head.

    Luckily he has many other redeeming features.

  3. Wanda says:

    I would hug, cuddle, snuggle HT any time. Looks cozy to me….

    Oh…that’s not what you were looking for?

  4. Meg says:

    Oh, my sweet HT. You blew it on that one, dude, and it wasn’t even the loaded “Does this outfit make me look fat?” trap. You turned 10 extra pounds into “overweight”. Flowers; definitely flowers; and a cup of organic chai. Pronto.

  5. I’m with HT, what I wouldn’t do to be only 10 pounds over weight, except quit eating. I love to eat. Its an addiciton.

  6. pixiemama says:

    I’m this close to bending down to your little petite height and screaming “HOW COULD YOU BE ANY MORE PERFECT, WOMAN?!”

    Now, HT needs to show less drama (I, too, feel a tinge of jealousy at the thought of 10 pounds being the issue).

    HT – she is the picture of perfection. Always has been, always will be. The end. Amen.

  7. Betty says:

    I’m with HT. I really think he meant it as a compliment. I would be jumping for joy if I was only 10 lbs. overweight.

  8. Well, definitely an E for effort!

  9. kc says:

    I think we can all safely assume his fair punishment is that you will NEVER let him live it down!

  10. Jerri says:

    The answer may be wrong, but the man is SO RIGHT in so many other ways. Let’s cut him some slack on this one.

  11. amber says:

    Haha! I had to read that a couple times to get it. Baaaad Toddy. Bad.


  12. kario says:

    They really are so clever in so many other ways, these men. Too bad there are lessons these old dogs will never learn….

    Good thing we love ’em anyway!

  13. Stagmom says:

    I just saw you. You look fantastic. You have boobs. There’s your ten pounds. Damn you! 🙂

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