A two hour wait with a line around the block.
I didn’t hear one person complain.
We were surprised when we arrived to see Stevie Wonder walking down the street with a big entourage. He was just leaving. People were so happy to see him, asking to shake his hand. He’s still got the long braids in the back, though you can’t tell from this photo. He was in town for a get-out-the-vote rally at Cleveland State.
The long line continued inside the building. When we finally got up to the booths, it was really tight, hardly any room to move. I felt very claustrophobic. Some of the ballot confused me, and it was so loud I could hardly think. I wondered if there were any provisions for special needs voters, because I was starting to feel like one. I had a list of Democratic candidates and issues and even still, it was challenging for me until I got in the swing of things. I think it was because I knew the kids were tired, and I couldn’t keep my eyes on them, and felt pressure to hurry up. And I was in the last booth, right next to the box people were dropping their ballots in so it was extra noisy and bumpy for me. The booth where I was writing kept being jostled. HT had no problem though. He finished first and took the kids outside and then I got it together. We felt this election was so important we wanted to really involve the kids in being part of history, so we wanted to be there, but next time I might just do absentee from the comfort of my kitchen table!
Our kids were were troopers. The experience was worth it.
We went for Thai food after.
And carved pumpkins later. *
In between I got my hair cut, again. More on that another time soon.
A full day.
It’s special to live in a swing state.
I hope we helped.
*This photo was from the first pumpkin carving. Those pumpkins were smashed on Halloween by some hooligans whom we need to hunt down and maim pray for. Ah, well, it all worked out. More toasted pumpkin seeds for us.
Way to go! I voted early, too, but the line wasn’t nearly as long in Geauga County!
Oregon went all vote by mail years ago, but I do kind of miss voting in person, it felt so much more direct. Good call getting your kids to see it all. All eyes are definitely on Ohio!
Go, you! It must be wild to vote and really feel like it counts. Here in California, all the dang propositions and bills are important (and nearly impossible to figure out!), but the big elections are a yawn. I’ll be there, though, with my kids, like you.
Great to see you using your vote and raising Riley & Seth to do the same. Can’t moan about what you get if you didn’t ask for what you wanted.
PS thought of you as I ran in to the hairdressers ( late as usual!) to get my greys disappeared
I love that you took the kids and had that experience. We vote by mail and somehow, going through the voter’s pamphlet with the kids on the couch wasn’t as exciting. Comfortable and warm, but not exciting.
I do like the idea of going out for Thai food afterward, though. Maybe that will become part of our family’s election ritual…