This is my sister Kelli. Nine years ago she had a very serious form of breast cancer. She was reeling, scared she might not see her children grow up. They were ten and five. Today she is thriving. Look at her glow. This picture was taken in Colorado, where she went over the weekend with her new love, Tom. She is lovin’ life. Man, is he lucky.
Speaking of love…my sweet girl has a mad crush on the bad boy of Glee, Mark Salling(the one with the mohawk). HT can’t handle it but I, being supportive went looking on the Internet for a picture of him to print off, per her request, so she can carry it around and stare dreamily at it. In my search for the right photo (not the one with his shirt off) I somehow stumbled upon this blog. I think this girl is adorable. I love her attitude. I love her sense of fashion. How many times do we think a few extra pounds precludes us from dressing how we want and looking cute? To hell with that. Twenty years old and she already gets that. Very cool. This is a video from her blog. Just a quick perusal of her site inspires me to be more girly.
And speaking of inspiring, check out the amazing photography here. Seriously, click it. I promise you won’t regret it. It is a collection of aerial photography produced by Yann Arthus-Bertrand. Simply stunning. My friend Lidi sent the link in an e-mail.
And on a radio program today (Dr. Oz XM) I heard author Marci Shimoff, her book is titled Love for No Reason say that just taking a moment and placing your hands over your heart, causes your body to release oxytocin…the love hormone, which causes you to relax and feel good. So lets all do it, okay? Hands over your heart. Take a breath. Ahhh…..
Inspiration is everywhere. I love it. I love breathing it in, filling my lungs with it and what’s really fun, is passing it around.
So glad you demanded I look at those photos – awesome!
No need to thank me KC.
Demanding you has long been my pleasure.
You’re like me – we start out on a mission on the internet and get lost in all the fabulous finds.
SO cool (your sis, the photos and the hand over heart thing). Now I’m going to be wondering around the house, hands over heart, grinning, all because of you.
BOY do I need thast hand on heart thing right now…..
I love that Riley is crushing on someone! And I love hearing stories of people who have moved on from fear and are thriving. Thanks for sharing.
That is fun, you’re right, and if there’s one thing I know a lot about, it’s being FUN!