Little Women

“Beth was too bashful to go to school; it had been tried, but she suffered so much that it was given up, and she did her lessons at home…”

Last week, Riley and I were at the library, and in a valiant effort to restrain myself from choosing for her, I asked what book she would like to read as part of her homeschooling. She thought about it for a moment and said, “I’d like to read Little Women.”

My heart leapt with joy. I wasn’t aware Little Women was even on her radar! My mind blanked in all the excitement and I said out loud, “Let me think of the author….”

Riley said, “Louisa May Alcott.”

I stood back and let her find it on the shelf, something I would normally do for her because we’ve always been rushed for time. I’m doing a lot of that these days, and Riley beams with pride over her new sense of independence.

Everyday, we snuggle in her bed, (the comfiest bed in the whole house BTW), and we read Little Women out loud, and we stop after each chapter and discuss it.

And Riley’s eyes sparkle.

And Jingle sighs.

And I feel certain we’re doing the right thing.

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16 Responses to Little Women

  1. Jerri says:

    Little Women set me on the path of becoming a writer. Jo was my favorite. How wonderful that Riley found the book.

    That girl’s got *taste.*

  2. *m* says:

    Oh, be still my heart! How I loved (and still love) LITTLE WOMEN!

    How lucky you are to be sharing it together. I’m envious. Enjoy!

  3. Niksmom says:

    One of my all time favorites! How wonderful. Yes, you are doing the right thing.

  4. Amanda says:

    That’s the thing I find hardest of all, standing back and letting them do it.

  5. naomi says:

    Oh, it sounds heavenly.

  6. Lydia says:

    I’m jealous!

  7. amber says:

    She IS a little woman– after my own heart.


  8. Bonnie says:

    I don’t think I ever read that book. I’m going to have to put it on my list. I enjoy reading about the two of you reading together.

  9. drama mama says:

    After she finishes the book, treat her to the Winona Ryder remake…quite good, a favorite of The Miss M.

  10. Wanda says:

    [Smiling ear to ear here.]

  11. Makes me want to get out my old copy and read it again! xoxo

  12. pixiemama says:

    It’s a wonderful book.

    And yes, of course you are doing the right thing.

    Yes, you are.


  13. Deb says:

    I can’t imagine anything better than sharing Little
    Women with your amazing daughter.

  14. Kathryn says:

    My favorite. What wonderful days you must be having, Michelle.

  15. Carrie Link says:

    Oh, you’re SO doing the right thing! And BTW, did you hear the great Little Women joke during the Super Bowl?

  16. Courtney says:

    Love this story. Can’t wait to hear what she thinks! xox

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