Windsong is having its winter concert on January 24th! Yes, I’ll be singing my little heart out, attempting to hold my own with this group of very talented women. For the last two concerts I have been asked to write the descriptions for the song dedications. Dedications are sold as a way to raise funds for the chorus and they appear in the concert program. Writing the song descriptions is a lot of fun for me so I thought I’d share them with you. It gives you a feel for what we sing, why I love being part of this group.
Set Her Free
Somewhere tonight there is a woman, trapped by circumstances, fear or doubt. This song honors her and offers the solidarity of others holding space for her as she gathers strength.
A Beatles original, this delicate ballad speaks of rebirth and flight and how the worst of times can be the impetus for new beginnings.
How Can I Keep From Singing?
This hymn, composed specifically for Windsong, is about rising above the tumult and strife of the world and finding one’s place in the infinite wisdom of song. Dedicate it to the singers in your life or to those who make your heart sing.
Witnessing another person’s courage often helps us find our own. This song pays tribute to many female heroes who have paved the way, making life better for women today. Dedicate it to the heroes in your life.
Harriet Tubman
This song is a tribute to the courageous Harriet Tubman who escaped slavery and led many others safely to freedom on The Underground Railroad. Dedicate it to those brave souls who are making a difference in the life trajectories of others.
Katie Cruel
“Oh that I was what I would be, then would I be who I am not, here am I where I must be, go where I would, I cannot.” This song honors women who wonder of themselves what might have been. Written for Windsong by current member Jan C. Snow.
Wood River
Show me your heart and I’ll show you mine. Rising above trouble and doubt, this poetic song depicts an intimate moment between lovers on the side of a river, at sunset.
Yonder Come Day
Inspired by a traditional Georgia Sea Island Spiritual, this song speaks to a vision of freedom and better days ahead.
Stairway to Heaven
Yes, that Stairway to Heaven. The true test of a song lies in its diversity across genres. Whether the rock version of the seventies or a melodic choral arrangement, this song stands the test of time. And it makes you wonder…
Like a Mountain
No one can push back an ocean. Like nature itself, the spirit of a woman is eternal. No matter what happens on a physical level, a woman’s song is indestructible. Dedicate Like a Mountain to women who have indomitable spirits, and to those who don’t yet know this about themselves.
What I Want
This song brings to focus the abundance of life’s blessings. Love, light, breath. Dedicate What I Want to someone who is a blessing to you.
Draw Down the Moon
Patterns of the tides, cycles of rebirth, reverence for all. This song honors the sacred connection between the moon and all things feminine.
Why Can’t You Girls Be Nice?
Those annoying women suffragists! If only they’d behave. Sigh! Dedicate this song to those in your life who push the boundaries so that one day all may be treated with equality and respect.
Rosie the Riveter
This famous song is about a woman doing her part to help the American war effort in World War II. The song helped increase the number of women working outside the home 57% between 1940 and 1944. Dedicate it to your favorite hard working woman.
Faith Comes Out of the Closet
Dedicate this song to those who dare leave the “safety” of lies, for the freedom of truth.
Dedicate this song to the women in your life who have been there to share your sorrows and your joy.
For Good
From the Broadway show Wicked, this song is about how relationships change us. Dedicate this song to someone who has changed you, for good
.I Ain’t Afraid
This song speaks to how religious ideology often obscures the true expression of Divine Love. Dedicate it to those who aren’t afraid to stand up for what they truly believe.
Nice, nice writing, buddy!
— Laura