Cacophonous Family Meditation

Jingle jingled.

Seth sneezed.

Todd snored.

Riley tooted.


Gave up.



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10 Responses to Cacophonous Family Meditation

  1. JennieB says:

    Cracking up. Love it!

  2. Jess Wilson says:

    That’s my kind of meditation.

  3. Wanda says:

    Sounds perfect and in the Now.

  4. Jamie says:

    Love it! Soooo funny!!!

  5. Claire says:

    Love the now.

  6. Amanda says:

    Do you mean she actually tooted or did her botty say boo? Laughing with you!

  7. Michelle says:

    I think it was yesterday’s soup talking.

  8. drama mama says:

    Okay – I am MAKING YOUR SOUP RIGHT NOW; you inspired me.

    Are you telling me that I will fart during our meditation tonight?

  9. Michelle O'Neil says:

    I can’t make any promises Drama.

  10. Carrie Link says:

    OMHOG, love the post and love the comments! : )

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