Our Alternative Bedtime Prayer

My dreams will be happy and joyful.



I am loved.

I am healthy, loving and wise.

God helps me know what to do.

Tomorrow will be a wonderful day.

Thank you God.

seth sam sleep


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9 Responses to Our Alternative Bedtime Prayer

  1. kario says:

    Nothing better than going to sleep with a critter at the foot of your bed. Awww!

  2. jill says:

    i just copied this prayer and read it to my daughter tonight. perfection.

  3. Oh, I love, love, love those photos! Nigel has a cat right this moment in the exact same spot that Seth does!

  4. Wanda says:

    Thank you, God.

  5. Amanda says:

    There is something just perfectly right with the world when you have animals in your life like that.

  6. drama mama says:

    I am not an animal person.

    But I get the book.

    And the blanky.


  7. Stagmom says:

    Love it. “Thank you God for a beautiful day.” That whole, “If I drop dead in the middle of the night” thing doesn’t work for me. (Insert eye roll here.)

  8. K Fuller Yuba City says:

    Looks like Jingle and the cats have accepted each other!
    A wonderful bedtime for all.

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