Off Leash Dog Walking

Written by Michelle O'Neil on November 16th, 2009

We have at least four people who make a point of walking their dogs through the neighborhood, off leash.

One of them doesn’t walk with the dog, it kind of does its own thing, crapping wherever it wants and this person doesn’t pick up after it, or even see it go, because she’s walking twenty feet away from the dog, absorbed in her own thoughts.

One of the dogs appears to be very well behaved, but he’s scary looking,of the pit bull mix variety, and his very presence is a bit intimidating when he’s not on a leash. Yes, yes, I’m sure he’s a perfectly sweet dog(one that could eat Riley’s 11-thousand dollar service dog for breakfast if he chose to).    

One of the dogs does not listen to his owner at all as he tries to call it away from Jingle. It seems friendly, but still. If it does not listen, it should not be off leash.

One of the dogs lunges and barks at other dogs, who can’t really do much about it because they are on leashes.

What is the draw of “off leash” walking in residential neighborhoods? I don’t understand it, and in the interest of full disclosure, the reason it really bugs me is because Jingle thinks dogs off leash means play time. She got to go off leash at 4 Paws in the fenced in area of the facility. She starts to lose her mind manners, making life harder for me, when other dogs are off leash. We’re working on it. Luckily, she’s a quick study.

*Photo of Jingle above, walking on leash, the way God intended it.


9 Comments so far ↓

  1. Kristen says:

    Totally know how you feel! There is a mangy dog that looks like it may have rabies or something and likes to lunge towards Bella, and she is scared of that ragged ol’ thing. We’ve called the canine police in Cary, but didn’t do anything about it because it wasn’t vicious. Lame!

  2. Elspeth says:

    When I first got my dog years ago (he was a little bichon puppy, maybe 4 lbs) I couldn’t bear to see him bucking like a horse when I tried to attach him to the leash. So I walked him around the neighbourhood off leash following after him like a twit wherever his fancy took him.

    Then he grew old enough to be a brat about things and so he got his leash and I never looked back.

    I think the allure of the whole off leash thing is to say “look at me! My dog is so well trained that it can go off leash!” Except that when they’re not, it’s really irritating for everyone else.

    There are some parks where I live that are specifically off-leash places to go, so I could understand that sort of thing there, encouraging your dog to play with other ones and burn off some energy. I always get worried by the fighter breeds as well, more so if the owner looks either tough or wishy-washy. One could mean that the owner wants their dog to be a fighter and the other could mean that the owner might not have trained their dog at all.

  3. Amanda says:

    Much as I totally get why this bugs you, what about the road? the cars? the possible accidents and squished dog elements? How do you not say something?

  4. KC says:

    I have an off-leash lady too. At least she follows around with her bags, but the dog is SOOOO in charge. And when this giant Lab (makes my big Lab look puny) sprints at us and then his hair goes up on his back, it’s intimidating — even tho he’s a Lab of the oh-so-friendly variety.

  5. Dawn says:

    I recently gave up on the dog park. It pains me to do it to Spirit but almost every time there’s a dog with bad manners or an owner who isn’t paying attention. I simply won’t wait for my pup, or theirs, to get hurt. I really do think a little call over the the pd is appropriate. It’s against the law almost everywhere because it’s a safety hazard. At very least they can put up a few warning signs that may curb the behaviour.

  6. Courtney says:

    Amen, sister.

    By the way, I am head over heels in love with your dog. I love reading about your dog. I STILL do NOT want a dog.


  7. Meg says:

    As a leash-only dog walker, I concur with the irritation. I am convinced that it is a combination of smugness (we don’t need no stinkin’ leash) and weariness of being pulled hither and yon by said canine companion.

  8. Amen. Off leash is not safe for your dog, that’s why we keep ours on. Except at the mall, when Jeremy MADE us do it!

  9. Betty says:

    I can see why you are concerned. Check to see if there is a leash law where you are. I bet there is. If the dog leaves their property without being on a leash, then they have violated the ordinance. I’d report them if Jingle is really threatened, and you can’t get anywhere with talking to the owner first.