Give That Dog a Treat!

Written by Michelle O'Neil on November 16th, 2009

Riley is not allowed to go on the Internet without permission. Period. Today she did it, and I had to follow through with consequences, banning her from the computer for 24 hours. She pitched a very big fit, screaming and stomping all the way up to her room. Jingle followed her. I grabbed two Pupperonis from the kitchen cabinet, and marched upstairs to her room. Jingle stood on the floor beside the bed, watching Riley carry on. 

I pressed the Pupperonies into Riley’s hand, and walked out of her room, closing the door behind me. As I shut the door, I saw Jingle hop up on the bed. She loves Pupperoni.

Riley and Jingle remained in her room for about ten minutes. Then they came downstairs, and Riley played happily with her brother for the rest of the evening. No more meltdowns. No talk of the computer. 

I’ve been finding when Riley is upset, if I just put the Pupperoni in her hand, she starts breaking off pieces and feeding them to Jingle. The change of focus, feeding the treats, seems to put Riley’s brain on pause long enough to hop off the fret merry-go-round, the continuous loop of upset which can often go on for an hour or more.

This was the first time I left them alone behind closed doors to work it out. Riley is the kind of kid that can’t tolerate unkindness to anyone, especially animals. She implodes, rather than lashing out, so I knew Jingle was safe with her.

It felt liberating to be able to hand off to the dog, what might have taken me much longer to accomplish. No twenty minute “talking it through” going around and around in circles.

We wound up having a great night.

Thank you Jingle.


7 Comments so far ↓

  1. HT says:

    I love that dog!! Keep up the good work Jingle.

  2. Chloes Mom Mary says:

    Fabulous!!! Good job Jingle!

  3. *m* says:

    Good dog. GOOD dog.

  4. I can’t think of a more compelling reason to recommend a service dog! Jingle is GOLD.

  5. Naomi says:

    Ok. Sold

  6. I am sobbing. I love this.

  7. Jerri says:

    Love that doggie. LOVE her. Love her. Love her.