Day 4 (KISSES)!

Written by Michelle O'Neil on October 16th, 2009


If you think getting a service dog means you’re going to show up and receive a dog that just automatically does what you tell it to do, good luck! Prior to this training, Todd and I could not imagine what we’d be doing for ten days. Ten days? Are you kidding me?  Now we’re kind of hoping 4 Paws doesn’t notice if we stick around for an extra week or two. There is so much to learn! The whole service dog thing is a relationship. The dog has to know you and trust you.

I have been deliberately taking a back seat in the training, because every animal we have attaches to me, and I don’t want to foil the attachment to Riley.  As a result, Jingle’s like…”Yo lady! Get real,” when I try to correct her or give her a command, but she does whatever Todd tells her to do.   

The nerve!

This afternoon we took all the dogs to the mall. Jingle was so excited to be around all those people and smells, she could not reign herself in and listen to me when I gave her the heel command. She is a very social dog and just wants to introduce herself to everyone and have them admire her. So she got herself saddled with a “gentle trainer,”  which goes around her muzzle and makes it easier to direct her, rather than having to rely on jerking on a choke chain constantly. She was mortified. She tried repeatedly to paw it off, but finally started to behave. Eventually she won’t need it but for now, until she is used to us and until she is a little more mature(she’s just 11 months)  she’s going to have it when we are out in public. Yes, she’s now lying on the floor,  giving me the stink eye, but I can take it.  


The best part of today was KISSES! When we first got here, germ-o-phobe Riley could hardly tolerate the feel of Jingle taking a treat from her hand. She’d wipe her hands repeatedly on her pants, and was very grossed out at the possibilty of saliva. The girl won’t share a cup or water bottle with her own mama.

Today, she allowed the trainer to put peanut butter on her hand and command the dog, “Kisses!” Riley wavered back and forth. Yes she wanted to do it. No she didn’t. Wait, yes she did. Finally she decided to go for it. With a blob of peanut butter on the back of her hand, she commanded the dog, “Kisses!” Jingle licked the peanut butter, and got a treat. Over and over.  Riley let it happen. She enjoyed it. She bonded with her doggy and didn’t freak out about germs! When we finished that little segment, she got up and I was sure she’d run to the bathroom to wash her hands, but she didn’t! She just went and played! I am probably the only mother celebrating that her child didn’t wash her hands, but I was seriously teary over this. Riley was just living. She wasn’t worrying.  

PIMG0001This is Jingle in the morning. While Todd and I run around in circles gathering the kids to get out the door on time, she sits patiently, hoping we’ll get it together. Once her harness is on, she’s ready to go!  

Oh, one last thing from today, when we got to the mall, Todd and the kids went in and I tried to get her to “go potty” outside before going in. She cried her eyes out over Todd and the kids going into the mall without her. She likes us, she really likes us! Well, she likes them at least!

She really is a sweet dog. She is so tolerant. The little kids at 4 Paws crawl all over her, take her bone, tug at her whiskers, and she does not bat an eye. She’s just a bit lost with us yet. ”Who are these people and how is it I’m in their hotel room?”

Hang on Jingle. We’ll all find our way, together.


7 Comments so far ↓

  1. Emily says:

    Hi Michelle,

    My 38 year old brother who has FA got a service dog about 4 years ago through Canine Companions for Independence. My dad took him up to NY for the training that you all are going through now. It happens. Claren (his dog) is the best thing that has ever happened to him (and the rest of us). She is amazing in all that she does for him from a literal standpoint, but even more so the support she provides emotionally. Good luck. I am loving reading about your and Reilly’s adventure!



  2. Amanda says:

    Oh this is just so brilliant!

    Who knew having a dog would have so many spin-off advantages?

    I s’pose Jingle has to see Riley as the pack leader so she does what she says? This really interesting on a doggy level as well as being totally amazing for you as a family.

  3. Amanda,

    Riley isn’t really the pack leader, but needs to be seen as the best friend, the source for the best treats, and lots of affection. The parents are the “handlers” and the dog needs to respect and obey them.

    Jingle slept in Riley’s bed the whole night last night! Woo-hoo!

  4. K Fuller Yuba City says:

    I can’t express how much I am enjoying reading your post’s. There is a book here, maybe even a childrens book. Scholastic!
    Nick is enjoying every word.

  5. pixiemama says:

    Jingle kisses! Oh, Riley. We’re all so proud!


  6. Niksmom says:

    Ok, so I’m reading these in reverse order…oops. But I am blown away by the transformations, all the small but HUGE breakthroughs it sounds like Riley’s having as she develops this relationship with her special gal-pal pup. I am, truly, farklempt right now, Michelle. Such a blessing Jingle is for Riley.

  7. Carrie Link says:

    This will NEVER work if she thinks HT runs the show!