Can’t Wait!

Written by Michelle O'Neil on October 10th, 2009

can't wait

Yesterday was Riley’s Circle of Friends meeting. In honor of Jingle, we studied canine body language, and compared it to human body language. How do dogs indicate they’d like to play? They do a play bow, paws forward, butts in the air. How do kids indicate they’d like to join a group to play? Some of the more outgoing girls said they just walk right up and ask. Others said, they stand facing the group, make eye contact and wait for an invite. A couple of girls admitted to really feeling shy about those kinds of things. I’d cut photos from magazines and we talked about the messages people in the photos were sending with their body language. None of this was aimed right at Riley, though she drank in the info. Much better coming from other girls in a discussion rather than a lecture from Mom. This group of girls is darling. There were eight including Riley. I am really enjoying getting to know all of them and Riley is so happy to be part of the group.

After that, we baked cookies in the shape of dog bones. Yum! The girls all took turns adding ingredients, stirring, and rolling the dough.

Later, after the girls (and two little brothers who joined us to play with Seth) left I was busy in the kitchen. Between cleaning up and making dinner it took me well over an hour. Thank God for my XM radio. Much giggling could be heard from the next room. Riley and Seth were having a ball.

I didn’t know they were in the crate.

The question is, why didn’t I think of crate training them sooner?

We’re off on Monday, and Tuesday we meet Jingle!


8 Comments so far ↓

  1. GoMama says:

    Sounds like a great group, hosted by an uber-mom. And btw, Riley’s the spitting image of you…or at least what I imagine you to look like.

    Jingle baby! That face! I’m so excited for you to bring Jingle home. I’m counting down the days too. I know this is going to be wonderful for all of you. Love that you’re documenting this process.

  2. I love what you’re teaching in the Circle of Friends! I’m so happy for Riley and happy for all those girls who are learning how to be more aware, sensitive and understanding human beings. It’s a great gift you’re giving them, Michelle. Thanks for all that you’re doing — it’s very inspiring! I also look forward to reading all about Riley’s new relationship with Jingle. Have a great 10 days together in the training. :)

  3. I’ve just been told by another mom that is going to be in our class that I have the wrong crate! DOH!

    Apparantly 4 Paws does not like the wire ones.

    Back to Petco. Again.

  4. Georgia Peach 311 says:

    Thinking of you all during this very special time…


  5. Amanda says:

    GOOD LUCK TOMORROW!!! WAY too exciting.

    That crate looks like something out of Chitty chitty bang bang child catcher! LOl!

  6. -e- says:

    Well, if this is the wrong type of crate for Jingle, I guess you can crate train the kids in it after all! :-}


  7. fullsoul says:

    That’s just what I was thinking!

  8. Carrie Link says:

    Definitely keep the kid crate.