7 More Days

Written by Michelle O'Neil on October 5th, 2009

jingle in training 2I’m imagining Riley falling asleep at night, stroking Jingle’s velvety ear.

I know my daughter. Soon she’ll be able to tell you how many whiskers Jingle has on her chin. She does this with her cats, really studies them. Today I’m off to buy supplies. A crate. Food. Toys.

I want to know who trained Jingle. Was she in a foster home? In prison? Jingle, where ‘ya been?  Jingle, was it rough in there?  Jingle, can you hear me?

Okay, I need help. I admit it.

That’s the first step, right?

BTW, Riley has gone back to Jingle’s picture many times and is talking about her a lot now.


4 Comments so far ↓

  1. Jenny R says:

    Jingle is one cute dog. I love her coloring. I bet she has the sweetest disposition. It just emanates from the photo :-)

  2. Amanda says:

    Jingle has a look of our Meg about her. If it goes more than skin deep that’s a good thing, Meg’s the BEST dog in the universe.

  3. Amanda says:

    Oh for goodness sake, how on earth are you going to drum in to the kids at school etc that Jingle is a working dog, not to be petted by any old one? How will anyone resist that face?

  4. -e- says:

    Hey Michelle- did you catch this article in today’s NYTimes? Haven’t read it all the way through yet, but the timing sure is interesting… http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/06/health/06pets.html